NZx 22 September:Zoned

Thursday, September 22, 2011
posted by malcolm


So the RWC party has well and truly begun.

The local Fanzones I have attended have been well organised and seem to be attracting some good crowds. Interesting to know if anyone is researching why people are attending the Zones. You can get better coverage, cheaper alcohol and better food at many other venues, including your own home. Is it the social aspect of simply attending?

Not sure what international visitors make of some the Real NZ Festival events. Certainly the ones I attended focused on local musicians and a smattering (and I use the word loosely)  of local crafts. Local music is great and it’s good to see it getting such a boost during the Cup.

It was disappointing to see one local musician put on hold while waiting for the Prime Minister to arrive. As they do, he arrived late, said some kind words and left. The musician was left with time to perform only 3 songs.

Frustrating for her and the band; certainly the audience, including a few international visitors, was frustrated.

In these situations the organisers need to show some “real sense” and focus on the audience’s needs. Other’s needs can surely wait until they actually arrive on the site.

If you haven’t yet made it to your local Fanzone or a Real NZ Festival event you should make the effort and go at least once. Its all 100% authentic!

Ka kite ano


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