NZx: the art of the story

Monday, May 2, 2022
posted by malcolm


The art of the story is a conversation starter which is often discussed, but is just as often given lip service by many in the tourism sector.

There are just as many definitions of storytelling as there are stories! We like this version from the National Storytelling Network (with our modifications): Storytelling is the interactive art of using words and actions to spark visitor engagement and change.

We believe there are five key elements of storytelling. These are:

  • storytelling needs to be entertaining
  • storytelling should be interactive
  • storytelling focuses on using emotive words, both written and spoken
  • storytelling is most effective when it includes additional elements of art and culture
  • storytelling should focus on fostering imagination
  • storytelling should spark a reaction from the visitor.

Of course storytelling can be combined with other art experiences which run the whole gambit of the genre.

We recently experienced a “how not to tell a story” tourism activity. Our guide did manage to partly deliver some limited form of functional interaction. The other elements of effective storytelling were not even touched on. This was  a missed opportunity for a business which is at the premium end of the market.

Are your stories delivering what your visitors want? Talk to us about we can work with you to deliver an effective story experience for your initiative.

Ka kite ano

Story telling in action at Sanctuary Mountain







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